Mental Health Corner: When Anxiety rhymes with Fear.

  Dear Strangers of Internet, Anxiety rhymes with a lot of things. Anyone can experience it in their own ways. But to me, anxiety rhymes with fear. Fear doesn’t always shut you down. It wakes you up. It wakes guilt, disappointment and hatred up. These feelings merge and give more power to fear. Fear. I … More Mental Health Corner: When Anxiety rhymes with Fear.

Mental Health Corner: Anxiety is… Written by Brittany Nichole Morefield

While I was scrolling down social media, I stumbled on this long post about anxiety. I always am struggling to explain what is anxiety; how I’m feeling or what triggers it most of the time. So, instead of trying to explain what it is, I shut down or laugh it off because that’s what it’s … More Mental Health Corner: Anxiety is… Written by Brittany Nichole Morefield