Mental Health Corner: Anxiety is… Written by Brittany Nichole Morefield

While I was scrolling down social media, I stumbled on this long post about anxiety. I always am struggling to explain what is anxiety; how I’m feeling or what triggers it most of the time. So, instead of trying to explain what it is, I shut down or laugh it off because that’s what it’s usually expected, right ? The following words are everything I wish I could say to them, everything I wish they knew.


“Anxiety isn’t just having a hard time catching your breath. Anxiety is waking up at 3 am from a dead sleep because your heart is racing. Anxiety is breaking out in a rash for no reason. Anxiety is stressing over things that may or may not be real. Anxiety is questioning your faith, how could my creator allow me to feel this way ?!

Anxiety is calling your sister 3 hours before she gets up for work, in hopes she’ll answer so you can get your mind off the attack.

Anxiety is a 2 am shower. Anxiety is your mood changing in a matter of minutes. Anxiety is uncontrollable shaking and twitching. Anxiety is crying, real and painful tears. Anxiety is nausea. Anxiety is crippling. Anxiety is dark. Anxiety is having to make up excuse after excuse for your behavior.

Anxiety is fear. Anxiety is worry. Anxiety is physically and emotionally draining. Anxiety is raw. Anxiety is real. Anxiety is a fight with your spouse, even though you’re not mad. Anxiety is snapping at the smallest annoyance. Anxiety is flashbacks. Anxiety is “what if.” Anxiety is a lot of “what’s wrong” and “I don’t know.”

Your feelings matter. Just because you’re bothered by something others aren’t, it doesn’t make you crazy or worthless. Some of the most successful people in life have anxiety. This is not your fault. This is not the end. You are strong. You are intelligent. You are brave. You are worthy.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ll never ever be upset if you make me your 2 am phone call.”

– Written by Brittany Nichole Morefield


Anxiety is all of this and even more. It can affects anyone in a different way. You can’t control it, as silly as it sounds. You can try to find ways to cope, to deal with it in a better way. Even if you know your fears are irrational, you can’t help it. The thing is, we tend to hide what we really feel. So, next time you think we’re trying to catch your attention ? We don’t.

Be kind to others. We’re all struggling somehow.


This is K, signing off.

2 thoughts on “Mental Health Corner: Anxiety is… Written by Brittany Nichole Morefield

  1. It’s unfortunate that Brittany used her post to pretend she cares anything about mental health. Recently she was found bashing a girl who was suicidal. Feel free to contact me if you’d like proof.

    I don’t believe in championing people who post for attention and then turn around and belittle someone else for the exact thing they post about.


    1. Well, that’s unfortunate indeed. I don’t condone her behavior, or any behaviors like that, but when I read her post, I related to it. That’s why I wrote about it. I finally found a way to put words on this confusing and messy things I was feeling and it felt freeing in a way. I’m deeply sorry if she did that, though. Everyone should be kind and understanding with each other.

      This is K, signing out.


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