Mental Health Corner: World Mental Health Day.


(image credit: Anna Higgins Designs)

Today is World Mental Health Day !


Mental Health is a subject that matters to me. A lot. Mental health can take numbers of different forms. I couldn’t help but write about it today. People often believe that physical health is more important than mental health. I’d like to say that they’re wrong. What happens in our mind, impacts on our body too.

Growing up, I always thought something was wrong with me. This was until I learned more and more about mental health and anxiety in general. Thanks to the infinite source of knowledge that is Internet, I found confort in articles related to psychology. I’ve learned to understand myself a bit more and as I write my words on my keyboard, I’m still learning and trying to accept myself.

What I’d want people to understand is that, even if mental health is invisible most of the time, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It’s a serious matter. Neglecting someone’s pain won’t make it disappear. From what i know, it will only worsen it.

If you want to help someone with mental health issues, the simple things are the best. Listen to them, try to understand their pain, talk to them. Be there for them. Sometimes, the simple things are the ones that matter the most.

and remember: It’s okay to not be okay.

This is K, signing off.

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