Travel With A Stranger: Ode To The Ocean.

Dear Strangers of Internet, I always have loved the sea. I’ve been fascinated by water ever since I was a kid. Growing up in the South of France and knowing that the sea wasn’t that far away from where I lived was kind of comforting. So, you can easily imagine how thrilled I was when … More Travel With A Stranger: Ode To The Ocean.

Travel With A Stranger: Let’s Be Adventurers…

Dear Strangers of Internet, Almost three years ago, one of my superheroes exclaimed himself and said something like: “Let’s be adventurers !” and *pouf* three months later, we were on a plane on our way to a new destination. From this moment, we have been living abroad on a tiny island. I wanted to write … More Travel With A Stranger: Let’s Be Adventurers…