Hiding In My Poetry: Falling For Her.

“She realised falling for her was like falling in love with lightning. Before the worst, she always believed she lived in a storm. She felt safe under the rain and waited for thunder to sing her to sleep. When darkness would come, she would close her eyes and let it sing. She would dream about … More Hiding In My Poetry: Falling For Her.

Mental Health Corner: When You Focus On The Good…

Dear Strangers of Internet, Cold days brings with us our desire to stay in and wrap ourselves in our pull overs & blankets all day. While I was enjoying the warmth of my tiny appartment, I was scrolling through twitter and stumbled upon a post from Project Happiness talking about Gratitude. If you don’t know … More Mental Health Corner: When You Focus On The Good…

A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, Take Me Back To The Start.

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.] “Dear Stranger, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound … More A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, Take Me Back To The Start.

A Letter To You: Dear Stranger… Maybe one day, we’ll meet again.

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.] “Dear Stranger… Maybe one day, we’ll meet again and have a date in a … More A Letter To You: Dear Stranger… Maybe one day, we’ll meet again.

A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you.

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.]   “Dear Stranger, For the first time in years, I can look at the … More A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you.

A Letter To You: Dear Love, The Truth Is…She Was Unexpected.

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.]   “Dear Love, A long time ago, I realised that some truths are harder … More A Letter To You: Dear Love, The Truth Is…She Was Unexpected.