A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.] “Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ? What if our … More A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

Thoughts From A Balcony: What would you do if you weren’t afraid ?

There’s still all these unanswered questions swirling in my mind. Two years ago, thanks to my younger brother’s love and bravery, we moved abroad for the first time. We now live on a tiny island, next to Africa. A thing i couldn’t dream of when i was a kid. This experience made me grow and … More Thoughts From A Balcony: What would you do if you weren’t afraid ?