
Dear Strangers of Internet,

Welcome to the messy and confusing space where I write down most of my thoughts called Chronicles of a tiny human.

This page is dedicated to absolutely nothing that makes sense. Or is it like a map of the blog, maybe ? Who knows ? Certainly not me. If you’re lost (*who isn’t, though?*), I hope this page will help you find your way around. If not… It’s a nice and weird occasion to be curious and read everything, right ?

I like things to be simple, even if my mind likes to complicates them for me. A lot. Really, we’re fighting all the time because of this… (*deeply sighing*) Anyway ! As simple as it can be, the blog is composed of five categories talking about a loooooot of things. I started to write a few series of posts. Here’s what you can find in those categories.

In LIFE category, you will find a series of posts called:

  • Thoughts From A Balcony… A whirlwind of thoughts I need to write down in order to process them better and keep functionning.
  • Mental Health Corner… I think that talking about mental health and raise awareness is an important thing everyone should do, even if you don’t have a mental illness. You still have a mental health.
  • Pep Talk Monday… This serie of posts mostly is a reminder for me to keep chasing my dreams, no matter how hard they seem. Being inspired from time to time is a good thing.

In TRAVEL category, you will find a series of posts called:

  • Wandering In… Sometimes, you stumble upon places so amazing, you have to share them with the rest of the world. These small treasures are worth talking about them.
  • Travel With A Stranger… A serie of posts where you can follow me on my travelling experiences, as awkward as they can be.

In CULTURE category, you will find a series of posts called:

  • A Sunday Night With… Here’s a fact about me. I’m kinda passionate about cinema and spend a lot of time watching movies (my introvert self is thrilled about that). I need to write my after thoughts about the movies I watched. I have to spread the love, you know ?
  • Literary Yours… Is a serie of posts about books or literary in general. This is in no way a review but simply my thoughts or what I felt while reading. Whether it’s about a quote, a short story or a novel, my bookworm self needs to share my thoughts about what I read too.

In WORDS&CO category, you will find a series of posts called:

  • Hiding In My Poetry… Is where I post the poetry I write from time to time. It’s a difficult thing for me to do to post it there because I find it extremely scary to expose my creative work online but still…
  • A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.
  • Once Upon A Time… Is a serie of short stories I write. Creative writing is a big part of my work. As an aspiring writer, my hope is to be a published author one day. So, this serie of posts is an important one to have feedbacks on my writing.

We’re done with the introduction of series of posts. I’m warning you, there’s a lot of series coming your way. I haven’t posted them yet. Patience is the key, kid. Patience.

Now, I have yet to introduce you to the last category SHOP. If you click on the link, you’ll be directed on a online store website. It’s one of my side project I enjoy working on as a creative person. This project means a lot to me for a few reasons, two of them being a good way for me – for us – to create campaigns to raise awareness and money for charity causes we should all care about and to realise my dreams. I will write a post about this project and all the details soon, I promise.

Now that we’re done with this, you can naviguate freely on the blog and enjoy your reading. There’s just one thing I have to tell you and it’s really, really, really important. I have one and only rule I am set on respecting on my blog.

Please, always remind yourself that a person might be reading the posts and the comments left under them. No matter what your differences are, always type with respect and kindness. There’s another human being on the other side of your screen.

This is K, signing off.