Thoughts From A Balcony: Dear Me Ten Years Ago…



“Dear Me Ten Years Ago,

Don’t be scared to be yourself. The ones who cares about you will accept you & love you just the way you are. Some people in your life will say things or act a certain way & it will hurt. You can’t control their reactions. That’s why you have to let it go.

You’ll learn that forgiveness is the key to move forward. I won’t say “Let the past in the past” even if there’s a bit of truth in these words, but use your experiences to focus on the present & to create the future you dreamt about when you were younger.

Don’t let anybody tell you that you are stupid for wanting something. If you want it, do everything in your power to get it. Take chances & opportunities. I know you have dreams but sometimes, they aren’t meant to be. I need you to know that it’s okay.

In a few years, you’ll meet someone & fall head over heals with them. I hope you know that people comes into your life to teach you something. Sometimes, they stay. Sometimes, they leave. Don’t focus on the negative. Cherish the moments you had with them.

You have to promise me a thing. When the time will feel right, you have to let yourself be loved. Stop being afraid of falling in love. Telling people you love them isn’t a weakness. It’s your strength. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Say it. Say it now.

You’ll always be a part of me. Times are rough but you’ll get through it & get stronger. I hope you know that no matter what will happen, I have your back.

With love,

Me ten years later.”

There’s so many things I would want to say to my younger say if I could. I feel like I would never say enough to her… What about you ? If you could, what would you say to you from ten years ago ?

This is K, signing off.

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