Behind The Lens: Dreams don’t work unless YOU do.


Dear Strangers of Internet,

Have you ever noticed we tend to complain a lot about our dreams or projects ? Nevertheless, we don’t act on it. It’s easier to say you can’t achieve something instead of working twice as hard as you can to achieve that thing, right ? WRONG.

I’m writing these words for you. Yes, YOU. The person reading this blog post right now.

Confession time. When I was younger, I wanted to be many things. One of them was a photographer. I fell in love with photography probably at the same time I fell in love with writing. A passion was born when I held my first camera in my hands. So precious, so new. I always have loved taking photographs of anything, of everything. Faces, objects, landscapes. The old lady on the bench, knitting all afternoon. The old man smiling working in his plantation. The wrinkles on my parents face. The smiles on my siblings faces. All these emotions I can find. There is so many ways to interpret a photograph. That’s what I like the most with art.

One day, when I told my parents I wanted to be a photographer, I started to realise it wouldn’t be easy (at all) to make a living out of it. I’m easily discouraged sometimes. So, I let it go for a while. Then, life happened. High school, college and I was welcolmed into the real world. The one where adulthood means working 9 to 5 without really enjoying what you do. The one you need to do whatever it takes in order to “survive”. I started to realise it was the wrong time to start working to achieve my dreams. I had to prioritize. How wrong I was…

The thing is, I’ve been through some rough things in the past few years (who doesn’t, honestly ?) and it made me realise a lot. When you change your perspective on life, much like in photography, you start to shift your focus on different things and find a new vision of the life you want.

If you have a passion or a dream but don’t do anything about it, what are you waiting for ? This is on YOU. This is the choice you keep making on a day-to-day basis. I think it’s important for you to remind yourself that dreams don’t work unless YOU do. I still want to be a photographer. Actually, I started to say I am one of them. I am an amateur and I still have a huge backpack full of things I have to learn but that’s the best thing about it. There’s always something new to learn. That’s a great way to grow and evolve.

So, this is what I have to say to YOU.

Do yourself a favor and stop waiting for the right time. There’s no right time to chase your dreams. Start now. Start where you are. Start with what you have. The beginning is always the hardest but you’ll get there.

Dreams really do come true.

This is K, signing off.

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