A Sunday Night With: Unbroken.

Dear Strangers of Internet, Tonight, we’re going to spend this Sunday night with Unbroken. I remember when this movie came out, I was very excited and intrigued to see it. Who doesn’t love an epic story, uh ? So, I watched it again because it’s great and I like to feel inspired. *Don’t fight me, … More A Sunday Night With: Unbroken.

A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you.

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.]   “Dear Stranger, For the first time in years, I can look at the … More A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you.

Behind The Lens: “The purpose of art is mystery.”

https://www.instagram.com/p/Bub0MT3Aium/ Dear Strangers of Internet, Do you ever wonder what is the purpose of art ? Our minds are always working extra hours. Ideas comes from everywhere. The things we see. The things we feel. The things we wish for. Imagination is within us from a very young age. Now that I think about it, … More Behind The Lens: “The purpose of art is mystery.”

A Letter To You: Dear Love, The Truth Is…She Was Unexpected.

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.]   “Dear Love, A long time ago, I realised that some truths are harder … More A Letter To You: Dear Love, The Truth Is…She Was Unexpected.