A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.]

“Dear Stranger,

What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

What if our paths suddenly crossed again and our eyes locked in the crowded train station ? Would you look at me with the same eyes that made my heart melt ? Would you be surprised and smile sincerely ? Or would you turn around and run away from me ?

What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

What if I showed up unexpectedly on a warm summer night and knocked on your door nervously ? Would you be surprised and open the door to let me in ? Or would you sent me back into the night with a heavy heart ?

What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

What if I can’t stop thinking about this possibility ? What if I’m not the only one thinking about it ? What if you actually find yourself in front of me one day and all I can do is freeze ? Paralyzed by the fear that you might not want to see me, or even worse that you don’t want to love me…

What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

What if I let go of the fear and tell you all the things I regret ? What if I admit timing wasn’t on our side ? What if I admit that even though I’m the one who left, you never left my mind ? What if I asked you for a real chance to be the one you saw in me while a thunderstorm kept you awake the night we met ?

What if ?

With love.”

This is K, signing off.


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