Hiding In My Poetry: Burn.

“The Sun is rising again and my sore eyes burn. Shadows kept me awake in the dark all night. Again. Every time I close my eyes, the delicate contours of your face is all I can see. These dreams from the memories we shared usually turns into nightmares. I remember and I burn. I remember … More Hiding In My Poetry: Burn.

A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

[A Letter To You… Is a serie of letters wrote by a fictionnal characters (from my imagination) who’s processing things. In therapy, the characters learn that writing letters to people is a thing they have to do in order to move on.] “Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ? What if our … More A Letter To You: Dear Stranger, What if seeing each other again changed everything ?

Words In The Wind: Maybe – A Spoken Word Poem by Igor Oro.

Dear Strangers of Internet, If you know me, even just a little bit, you’ll probably be aware of my love for words and TV shows. The two combined is what this kind of posts will be. There’s so many words I want to share. The ones which brings me comfort, overwhelms me or renders me … More Words In The Wind: Maybe – A Spoken Word Poem by Igor Oro.

Travel With A Stranger: Let’s Be Adventurers…

Dear Strangers of Internet, Almost three years ago, one of my superheroes exclaimed himself and said something like: “Let’s be adventurers !” and *pouf* three months later, we were on a plane on our way to a new destination. From this moment, we have been living abroad on a tiny island. I wanted to write … More Travel With A Stranger: Let’s Be Adventurers…